Wednesday, May 31, 2006


The building network BASIN was set up in 1988 by three European organisations: (SKAT/Switzerland, Practical Action (formerly ITDG)/United Kingdom and GTZ-GATE/Germany).

The aim of the cooperation was to provide information and advice on appropriate building technology and to create links with know-how resources and experts around the world for all those in need of relevant information.

Gegenwärtig gehören dem BASIN Netzwerk neun internationale Mitgliedsorganisationen an:

* Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Economica
* CEVE in Argentinien
* CRATerre in Frankreich
* Development Alternatives (DA) in Indien
* Ecosur in Nicaragua
* gtz/gate in Deutschland
* Practical Action (früher ITDG) in Großbritannien
* Pagtambayayong Foundation auf den Philippinen
* Shelter Forum in Kenia
* SKAT in der Schweiz.
The Sustainable Development Communications Network (SDCN) is a group of leading civil society organizations seeking to accelerate the implementation of sustainable development through broader, integrated information and communications about what we know.

* Development Alternatives (DA), India
* Earth Council, Costa Rica
* Environmental Development Action in the Third World (ENDA-TM), Senegal
* Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN), Argentina
* International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), Canada
* Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe (REC), Hungary
* Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI), Sweden
German Appropriate Technology and Ecoefficiency Programme. Mehrere Fallstudien zeigen, dass die Informationsdienste von GATE und der GATE Partner zu einer höheren Produktivität und einem höheren Einkommen von Kleinproduzenten beigetragen haben.
As a socially responsible organisation Skat is convinced that all acquired knowledge since its establishment in 1978 shall be accessible to all. At the same time Skat would like to contribute to knowlege sharing and learning in development cooperation.

NETWORK: Solid waste management, Water supply and sanitation, Mobility and transport, Building and settlement development, Knowledge management
Es sollen vor allem Technologien gefördert werden, die die Selbsthilfe ärmerer Bevölkerungsgruppen und das Kleingewerbe fördern, die auf der Nutzung lokaler Ressourcen basieren und mit den sozialen, kulturellen, ökologischen und wirtschaftlichen Gegebenheiten einer Region in Einklang stehen und
b) die Zusammenarbeit und den Erfahrungsaustausch der Mitgliedsorganisationen zu intensivieren und dabei die Partner besonders einzubeziehen.
The student joins a poverty-stricken region and “shares the sweat” with a housing client who lives far below the poverty level. The goal of this exercise is to refine the student’s social conscience and to learn first-hand the necessary social, cultural and technological concepts of designing and building.
CEVE (Centro Experimental de la Vivienda Económica) ist eine regierungsunabhängige professionelle Vereinigung und Mitglied von AVE (Asociación de Vivienda Económica) in Argentinien. Seine Ziele sind die Verbreitung von Niedrigkostenwohnungsbau und die Schaffung von neuen Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten durch Forschung und Entwicklung, Training und Technologietransfer.
Earth Council Alliance (ECA) supports Earth Councils and other people and organizations committed to sustainability initiatives and preserving the world for today’s peoples and future generations. As an international organization, we are a non-government organization (NGO) incorporated in Switzerland.
Rural development and agriculture, food technology, water supply & sanitation, energy for rural development; small and mediumscale enterprise development and employment generation, vocational training; organisational development and project management.
For more than thirty years,the Barefoot College has been working to improve the quality of life of the rural poor.

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